July 27, 2024

When have you had to publicly share your learning?

Do you remember how you felt as you prepared?

Did knowing you would have an audience make a difference?

How did it impact your effort and the quality of your work?

SHARE YOUR LEARNING | Whether called Presentations of Learning, Exhibitions, Defenses, or something else, we’ve seen learners of all ages - even teachers in Rowan and Bullitt Counties - being given the opportunity to publicly share their learning over the last several weeks. Although grades and scores come with pressure for some, many might agree there’s just no greater accountability than knowing someone who matters to you will be coming to see what you have to share.

SPOTLIGHT | This week, we are excited to spotlight iLead’s end-of-year Presentation of Learning - the Showcase.

THE MOST QUALIFIED APPLICANT | At iLead, students are introduced to their graduate profile - called The Most Qualified Applicant - from their very first day. To begin, each student creates a digital portfolio containing five sections: Introduction, Education, Soft Skills, Technical Skills and Professional Identity.

  • The Introduction asks that students share who they are - their interests, special talents, chosen pathway and areas of growth along with any other information they’d like to include.
  • The Education section focuses on the education needed for their desired career. This requires students to thoughtfully map and connect their high school and post secondary plans.  
  • The Soft Skills section requires students to provide evidence and ratings for the skills their career interest and pathway consider to be the most important. They are required to provide one or more projects - or pieces of evidence - for each set of skills.
  • The Technical Skills section requires students to compare their attributes and interests to those needed for their desired career, and to reflect on how they compare. There, they also provide examples of technical skills through industry certifications they might have earned toward their career pathway.  
  • The Professional Identity section requires students to develop and upload their resume and any evidence of service or extracurricular activities.

SHOWCASE | Along with learning about the Most Qualified Applicant competencies and their digital portfolios, students also learn that they will exhibit their learning at an end-of-year Showcase. Showcase is a BIG DEAL involving year long preparation.  

  • In each class, students do a Presentation of Learning focused on at least one skill they’ve gained or improved along with a specific project or projects that played a key role prior to Showcase.

  • Also, prior to the Showcase, students prepare a script they will use for their presentations. Presentations for Showcase focus on 2-3 projects students feel show their best skills.

  • Each student has an interview with community and/or industry partner/s prior to Showcase. During those interviews, they discuss and share projects and the skills they’ve gained. These partners provide feedback to students using this form: Community Partner Showcase Feedback Questionnaire.
  • The Most Qualified Applicant competencies for each pathway and the iLead Showcase Guidelines are shared with students early on to help them know exactly what they will need to prepare.