By Carmen Coleman
February 17, 2024
As I look back on my journey in education, from my early days as a superintendent in Danville, Kentucky, to my current role at the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative, one thing remains clear: the transformative power of deeper learning. This journey, chronicled in a Leading for Deeper Learning article published by several who continue to be inspirations in this work: 2Revolutions , ASCD , NGLC and the Aurora Institute , has been both a personal and professional quest to redefine what education can and should be. In Danville, we embarked on an ambitious path to rethink the school experience. Our guiding question, "What does our diploma mean?" led to the creation of " The Danville Diploma ," a symbol of our commitment to graduating students equipped not just with academic knowledge but with the skills to create, collaborate, communicate, and persevere. This initiative was more than just a local endeavor; it captured national attention, ( Harvard Education Letter , PBS NewsHour , NPR , Getting Smart /multiple articles) highlighting the incredible work our students were doing and setting a new standard for educational excellence. Moving to Jefferson County Public Schools, I found myself in a larger arena but with the same passion for making a difference. Here, we faced significant challenges but also saw incredible opportunities for growth and change. By fostering an environment that valued deeper learning for all students, we aimed to ensure that every child could develop the critical life skills necessary for success. My experiences have taught me that education is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about inspiring a love of learning, nurturing creativity, and preparing students for the complexities of the modern world. I invite you to read more about this journey and the lessons we've learned along the way in hopes that it might provide inspiration, courage or affirmation for your own unique journey. Together, we can continue to push the boundaries for what’s possible - what school can and should be - and unlock the full potential of every student. [Read the fu ll article here]